Urbanisation in Europe Seminar

The call of the city - urbanisation in Europe and its impact on real estate and investment strategies


When we think about urbanisation, we often conjure images of newly constructed skyscrapers in Asia or rapidly-growing cities in South America or Africa. However, Europe’s cities are also experiencing a new wave of urbanisation. The UN for example is estimating that urbanisation in Europe will rise from c. 80% now to c. 87% by 2050. While 7% might not sound much, this represents another 35 million people; four additional cities the size of London. This changes the cities we life and invest in and creates a huge amount of demand for new real estate, and opportunities for investors to develop, reposition or refurbish assets. At the same time, this trends is shaping the cities we live in in the future.

Date:                           Tuesday, November 6th 2018
Registration & Coffee:   08:30 am
Seminar:                     09:00 am - presentation by Richard Holt followed by panel discussion
Close:                         10:00 am
Venue:                        Schroders, 1 London Wall Place, London, EC2Y 5AU

But what is driving this new urbanisation in this highly developed part of the world ? And which cities grow and why ? How does it impact on cities, their infrastructure and people? What patterns can be seen and what does it mean for real estate ? What role do investors and play and how can investors be sure to invest in a “winning city” ?  And is this all sustainable ?

These and other questions will be explored by our expert panel.

Oliver Kummerfeldt, European Real Estate Analyst, Schroders

Speaker & Panellists
Richard Holt                  Head of Global Cities Research,  Oxford Economics
Jeremy Kelly                 Director of Global Research,  JLL
Stefan Wundrak            Head of European Research,  TH Real Estate

This event is kindly hosted by Schroders.

11/6/2018 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
GMT Standard Time
Schroders 1 London Wall Place LONDON, EC2Y 5AU UNITED KINGDOM

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